Headteacher’s Welcome

A warm welcome to our school website. I hope it gives you some insight into the wonderful school. I am very proud to be the Headteacher at Greenlands. Our school mission is that every child is: ‘Here to Learn Happily.’

When you walk around school, you will see that everyone in our school is unique and valued. We encourage our children to love learning and to become life long learners. I am privileged to lead a wonderful team of staff and governors who care passionately about the children and their families.

As a school we value our open door policy, and you are always welcome. Rather than carry out open days, any prospective parents are invited to make an appointment to speak to Mrs Cornwell. I will be delighted to show you around.

Our goal is to deliver a challenging and exciting curriculum which enables children to achieve high standards within the core curriculum but also have the opportunity to shine in lots of other areas. We want children to develop an inquisitive mind and a thirst for knowledge. We ensure children are active for at least 60 minutes each day. We put a great emphasis on sports for all and are involved with the Preston Sports Partnership. We buy in Team Theme who are engaging qualified coaches to enhance our sports provision.

Please telephone school if you require further information: 01772 792463

I look forward to welcoming you to the Greenlands family.

Mrs Sue Cornwell

Head Teacher


We listen to each other and value what others say. Through the School Council we have a strong pupil voice.

Rule of Law

We all follow our class rules. We treat others how we would want to be treated. Certificates, stickers and Golden Time reward our outstanding behaviour.

Individual Liberty

We are encouraged to make choices in a safe and supportive environment. We have a variety of clubs to choose from to attend.

Mutual Respect

We all respect each other at Greenlands. If we fall out we work hard to repair and restore this.


We understand we live in a culturally diverse society. We learn about and value the beliefs of other faiths and cultures.